Marketplace of Ideas and Social Media and the Internet

The "Marketplace of Ideas" states that "when truth and falsehood are allowed to freely grapple, truth will win out. And the grappling makes the truth even stronger." However, when it comes to modern social media, it seems that finding the truth through all the false information is getting even harder. Even with so called "fact checkers" the truth can sometimes be hard to find, not to mention that the so called "fact checkers" have been shown to have biases in their reporting. This article brings up a great point, who fact checks the fact checkers?

Social media platforms themselves have been "fact checking" posts as well, with a tweet from President Trump about mail-in ballots being labeled "misleading," the worst part being that the so called "fact checking" website that people were referred to was actually incorrect in their fact checking. In fact, a few days ago the State of New Jersey announced several voter fraud related charges that used mail-in ballots as part of the voter fraud operation. So, even if you go to fact checkers, the information might not even be right.

I think the main pitfall of the "Marketplace of Ideas" in modern times is due to the lack of critical thinking that occurs. Instead of making sure the information you are getting is factual, people just "go with it." Group-think has made it so the "Marketplace of Ideas" has all but gone away, as well. People see false information that agrees with their opinions and don't seek out the truth due to that. The "marketplace of ideas" is a solid idea, however; when people don't actively seek out the truth, when it is available, the doctrine falters. I am not arguing against the original argument against the requirement of a license to print and publish; I am just stating that without critical thinking, the idea that the truth will win out is sadly less likely to occur.


  1. Will, this is a very astute observation. We think that the marketplace of ideas is wide open because of free access to the Internet, but if people don't apply critical thinking, then we have what is called "market failure." Conspiracy theories take hold, people are led astray, the whole idea of discerning the truth is swamped by disinformation and propaganda. We must stay "eternally vigilant," as Benjamin Franklin said. You're on it!!!


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